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Prayer Group

St. Luke's
Prayer Team

The International Order of Saint Luke is an inter-denominational prayer ministry dedicated to the Christian healing. 

Gay Couple Eating Popsicles

LGBTQ+ Outreach 

St. Paul's is an LGBTQ+ affirming community with a history of LGBTQ+ leadership and plenty of opportunities for new leadership and growth. Yes, we marry LGBTQ+ couples. Yes, we show up at Pride. Yes, you are wanted. Yes, you are loved by God.

Come and shine. 

Contact Fr. TJ


Love is a way of life.

More than a program or curriculum, it is an intentional commitment to a set of practices. It's a commitment to follow Jesus: Turn, Learn, Pray, Worship, Bless, Go, Rest. 

Listen to Deacon Gregg's Walking the Way of Love Podcast.

Contact Deacon Gregg

The Take and Eat Garden at St. Paul’s is a community sharing space that provides Beloit with free, healthy produce. Anyone is welcome to volunteer and/or take as much food as they need.  Come meet your neighbors and feed your body and spirit.

Contact Meg Trimm


Kneeling Protestors

Racial Reconciliation

We believe it's time for the church to own up to its history and to make no peace with oppression. St. Paul's has a proud history of black and brown leadership and attendance. We continue to face history and ourselves through book studies, prayer services, and community action. 

Contact Deacon Gregg

Cheerful Seniors

Old Rectory Sales

Helping people downsize or clearing estates while raising money for St. Paul's, the Old Rectory Sales team, organizes, prices, advertises, and sells personal property. 

Due to the pandemic, Old rectory Sales is not taking any new sales at this time. 

Fresh Vegetables in Basket
Red Cross

Contemplative Prayer

God is never far from us, though we can get distracted. Join a group of seekers who meet regularly to learn and talk about their prayer journeys and to sit in prayer together. 

Contact Jeff Hoyt 

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212 W Grand Ave. Beloit, WI 53511

608-362-4312   l

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