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Grant, most merciful Lord, to your faithful people pardon and peace, that they may be clea

"We follow Christ's teachings. We grow spiritually. We serve the needs of our neighbors." 

St. Paul's Mission Statement

Church Schedule




In-person Services 

Sundays 11 AM

Everyone is welcome to God's table just as you are.

Bread and wine will be offered at Communion.

Remember, Communion with just one element,

receiving only bread, is a valid form of Communion and totally o.k. If you wish, you could also come forward for a blessing.

Indoor mask use in longer required, but optional. People who are at higher risk for Covid may still want to take extra precautions, including wearing masks, regardless of current recommendations.

Morning Prayer


9 am


A small gathering praying Morning Prayer from the Book of Common Prayer.

Contemplative Prayer


6 PM

(Except the third Tuesday of the month)

A mixture of meditative prayer practices, discussion, and reading.


Visit Us Virtually

Watch morning prayer, compline, children's  stories, and other events. 

St. Paul's Episcopal Beloit

St. Paul's Episcopal Beloit

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Listen to Our Podcasts

Contemplative Episcopalian

Rev. TJ Humphrey and the people of St. Paul's share weekly lessons, sermons, and interviews. 

Walking the

Way of Love

Deacon Gregg leads a reflection on The Way of Love, a set of principles for following Jesus. 

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212 W Grand Ave. Beloit, WI 53511

608-362-4312   l

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